Brain Balancing
What Fires Together Wires Together
Brain Balancing in Zurich and Switzerland
The brain is the great orchestrator of our body and when it is no longer in balance, a myriad of symptoms and ultimately conditions can be the result.
Do You Feel Something is Not Quite Right?
Are you not feeling yourself?
Does your brain have a ‘mind of its own’?
Is it a struggle to stay focused?
Do you find it difficult to cope with emotions and everyday life?
It’s not you! It’s a brain that is no longer in balance.
Brain ‘Imbalance’ Can Manifest Itself in Many Ways
- Brain fog and fatigue
- Insomnia and disturbed sleep
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and ticks
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Spectrum Disorders
- Chronic gastrointestinal issues
- Inflammation and immune dysregulation

Key Areas for Optimizing Brain Function
Brain optimization done well has to successfully consider various aspects that can affect your overall brain health and a comprehensive approach is often needed for optimal results. When optimizing brain function, key areas to consider include:
- Hemisphericity (left and right brain balance)
- Brainwave balance (Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and High Beta)
- Proprioception, coordination, and posture
- Retained primitive reflexes
- Visual acuity and efficiency of eye movement
- Genetics and epi-genetics
- Mold and mycotoxins
- Autonomic balance (stress physiology)
- Lifestyle & Nutrition
- Neurotransmitter levels
- Blood brain barrier compromise and immune balance
- Gut health and microbiome balance
- Heavy metals and chemicals
- Oxalate levels